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Vols treballar amb nosaltres?

25 January 2022

El perfil de les places s'ha de correspondre amb investigadors/es o tècnics (no personal de gestió o administració) en atur, inscrites i demandants d'ocupació, de setze anys o més i que no hagin complert trenta anys en el moment de començar la relació contractual. Clica la imatge per més informació.

Publication in Urban Sustainability

6 September 2021

Title: A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking / The rigorous traffic limitations during COVID-19 have forced many people to work from home, reaching an outstanding degree of teleworking and reduction in air pollution

Summer 2021 – URBAG Newsletter

18 August 2021

Greetings from the URBAG team at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB)! We are happy to share with you our second newsletter, to keep you updated of what we have done so far in our project URBAG: Integrated System Analysis of Urban Vegetation and Agriculture.

Publication in Science of The Total Environment

10 August 2021

Title: Recovered phosphorus for a more resilient urban agriculture: Assessment of the fertilizer potential of struvite in hydroponics / Urban agriculture (UA) is a means for cities to become more resilient in terms of food sovereignty while shortening the distance between production and consumption. However, intensive soilless UA still depends on the use of fertilizers, which relies on depleting non-renewable resources.

Publication in Science of The Total Environment

1 July 2021

Title: Optimizing irrigation in urban agriculture for tomato crops in rooftop greenhouses / The rise of population in urban areas makes it ever more important to promote urban agriculture (UA) that is efficient in terms of water and nutrients. How to meet the irrigation demand of UA is of particular concern in urban areas where water sources are often limited.