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Integrated System Analysis
of Urban Vegetation
and Agriculture (URBAG)

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URBAG presentations at the LCA FOOD 2024 Conference

16 September 2024

Juan David Arosemena and Guido Evangelista presented their work at the LCA FOOD 2024 Conference held in Barcelona in September 2024. The main focus of this conference is to assess the sustainability of agrifood systems and guide them to improving their environmental performance. This forum also includes the social and economic pillars of sustainability.

New publication in “Science of The Total Environment”

12 September 2024

Title: The food-water-climate nexus of green infrastructure: Examining ecosystem services trade-offs of peri-urban agriculture/ Emission reduction, heat mitigation, and improved access to water and food provision are increasingly critical challenges for urban areas in the context of global climate change adaptation and mitigation. The revival of local agricultural production is often lauded as a potential nature-based solution.

New preprint: “Determining the Intensity of Future Heatwave Episodes at Urban Scales: A Case Study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona”

15 August 2024

Title: Determining the Intensity of Future Heatwave Episodes at Urban Scales: A Case Study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona / Given that more than half of the world’s population currently resides in cities, further understanding of the potential impact of future climate change on urban areas is needed. We thus simulate future heatwave (HW) episodes in the metropolitan area of Barcelona (AMB) using the pseudo global warming dynamic downscaling method.

Gran impacte mediàtic d’un reportatge amb la colaboració d’URBAG

26 July 2024

La investigadora Alba Badia ha col·laborat en la iniciativa "Esfera Climàtica", organitzada pel CREAF. Aquesta iniciativa dona veu a investigadores expertes en canvi climàtic i temes ambientals. Gràcies a la col·laboració d'una xarxa de científiques de tot l'estat i dels mitjans de comunicació com la televisió, la ràdio i els diaris, s'està aconseguint transmetre les dades climàtiques al públic de manera fluida.