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Gran impacte mediàtic d’un reportatge amb la colaboració d’URBAG

26 July 2024

La investigadora Alba Badia ha col·laborat en la iniciativa "Esfera Climàtica", organitzada pel CREAF. Aquesta iniciativa dona veu a investigadores expertes en canvi climàtic i temes ambientals. Gràcies a la col·laboració d'una xarxa de científiques de tot l'estat i dels mitjans de comunicació com la televisió, la ràdio i els diaris, s'està aconseguint transmetre les dades climàtiques al públic de manera fluida.

Homage to Bob Ayres (1932-2023)

23 July 2024

When I first contacted Bob in 2001 inquiring how I could include Industrial Ecology in my PhD thesis, he taught me how to apply the principle of Material Flow Analysis to track chemical substances and assess chemical process in terms of efficiency, dissipative losses, and recycling opportunities throughout their life cycle.

URBAG presentation at the GORDON 2024 Conference

23 July 2024

Gara Villalba presented her work in a session held in memory of Bob Ayres at the Industrial Ecology GORDON 2024 conference. Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UA) can provide locally grown food at low environmental impact by maximizing the recycling of nutrients from the city to agricultural lands.

New publication in “Urban Forestry & Urban Greening”

16 July 2024

Title: Exploring how the heterogeneous urban landscape influences CO2 concentrations: The case study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona/ To understand the role these factors play in the distribution of CO2 over an urban area, we conducted a CO2 measurement campaign over the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) over four urban land uses: impervious, green, forest, and agricultural.

URBAG presentation at the CONEXUS Conference

6 June 2024

Svetlana Khromova presented the first step of an integrated approach to informed Nature Based Solutions (NBS) at the CONEXUS Conference. The CONEXUS conference took place in Barcelona from May 15th  to 17th, which aims to share the knowledge about nature-based urban solutions as a tool for urban planners.

URBAG presenta els seus resultats a Prismàtic i Catalunya Radio

3 June 2024

El passat dijous 23 de maig en Sergi Ventura va participar al Cafè Prismàtic coordinat pel CREAF. Prismàtic organitza seminaris virtuals mensuals que tenen com a objectiu transferir coneixement científic sobre gestió i planificació del patrimoni natural i la biodiversitat. Catalunya Ràdio també en va fer ressò.

URBAG presentation at the 14th International Conference on Air Quality

28 May 2024

Alba Badia showed a poster on “Modelling the effects of land use changes on the urban air quality: urbanization, urban vegetation, and agriculture” in which she discussed the air quality changes between the reference scenario and the scenarios that have been designed by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB)’s office of urban planning.

New publication in “Waste Management”

22 May 2024

Title: Closing the nutrient cycle in urban areas: The use of municipal solid waste in peri-urban and urban agriculture/ This research aims to determine the potential of organic municipal solid waste compost to supply the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium demand of urban agriculture and the environmental benefits of replacing mineral fertilizer from a life cycle perspective.

New publication in “Journal of Computational Science”

6 May 2024

Title: Modeling air quality at urban scale in the city of Barcelona: A matter of green resolution/ This paper presents the behavior of the most common pollutants and how they are dispersed as a result of different meteorological conditions in the city of Barcelona, as well as the impact of green infrastructures on urban morphology.

URBAG participation at EGU24

2 May 2024

Two URBAG presentations were shared at the conference by Ricard Segura-Barrero and Sergi Ventura. Both presentations followed the platform for Early Career Scientists (ECS). The first one was presented by Ricard Segura in the session "Urban climate, urban biometeorology, and science tools for cities". The second, presented by Sergi Ventura, was held in the session "Regional to local climate change, processes, impacts, and extremes".