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URBAG is searching for a postdoctoral candidate

6 September 2021

The URBAG group is searching for a postdoctoral candidate for the María Zambrano grants aimed to attract international talent to the ICTA-UAB, under one of the following three lines of research:

  1. Urban GHG monitoring and observations to understand how spatial and temporal dynamics relate to urban land use and characteristics, especially green infrastructures. This line of research requires previous knowledge and experience with monitoring equipment of gases, such as Picarro gas concentration analyzers and sensors. The aim of this aims to respond to the emerging need for measurement-based monitoring of city GHG emissions, as indicated by the Report on how EIONET and EEA can contribute to the urban in situ requirements of a future Copernicus anthropogenic CO2 observing system published by the European Environmental Agency, and place the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona in the forefront of GHG monitoring.
  2. Urban climate and urban atmospheric modeling, air quality and GHG modeling. Please check out our recent publications in this field.
  3. Regionalizing life cycle assessment and environmental evaluation in general, with a specific focus on greening strategies for more resilient cities. See our recent work in this area here.

Please contact Gara Villalba via email gara.villalba@uab.cat with a letter of interest by Sept 10th 2021.


Requirements to apply for this grant:

  1. Have completed at least 2 years of postdoctoral research at an institution (Spanish or international) other than the one where you completed you PhD.
  2. At the time of submitting the application, you need to be carrying out research projects and/or teaching at universities, research centers or organizations located outside Spain.

Expected start date: spring/summer 2022.

Official submission deadline: September 30th 2021


Salary: The mobility grants will take the form of 2-year postdoctoral contracts, with a gross monthly grant of €4,000, including the gross salary and the employer’s share of social security contributions. In addition, a one-off payment of €3,500 is established for relocation expenses.

For full description of the call, please see:

In English

In Spanish