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Green roofs in Oslo: results from a co-creative and participatory approach for its evaluation

23 March 2022

Green roofs provide a good opportunity for creating new green spaces in urban dense areas and offer a wide range of benefits. The city of Oslo has ambitious plans for improving its environmental performance in aspects such as energy consumption, water management and greenhouse gas emissions. Green roofs can be part of the solution for achieving these goals, which is why URBAG, with the collaboration of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), is now studying them to better understand the impacts that could come with its implementation. To do so, the first participatory stakeholder workshops has been developed. This encounter took place in Oslo on November 5th, 2021. There, the premises for the evaluation of green roofs and the future of this infrastructures in the city were discussed. It can be highlighted that:

  • 26 criteria were selected for the evaluation of green roofs, where benefits such as the Reduction of energy use and Runoff and flood mitigation where perceived as very relevant, while also the Greenhouse gas emissions produced in the construction and maintenance of green roofs was highlighted.

  • 4 different scenarios regarding the increase of green roofs in the city were selected for its evaluation: one conservative, one ambitious and two of maximization.

More detailed results can be found in the workshop report:

Green roofs 1st workshop report


If you are interested in seeing the workshop presentation, please follow the links below:  Workshop presentation.pdf