Johannes Langemeyer
Established researcher
Johannes holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm University (Stockholm Resilience Centre) and in Environmental Science and Technology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA). He is a geographer by training (Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany) and obtained a Joint European Master in Environmental Studies.
His research is motivated by making cities more sustainable, inclusive and resilient. His research approaches cities as complex social-ecological systems and his previous work has primarily focused on the relation between urban green infrastructure and human well-being through transdisciplinary and mixed-method research approaches.
In URBAG he is supporting the development and application of mixed-method approaches, including participatory co-design, for an integrated assessment that accounts for green infrastructure benefits (e.g. air pollution reduction) in relation to environmental burdens and that makes URBAG results useful for urban land-use planning. He also serves as the principal investigator of the H2020-Interlace project (2020-2024).