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URBAG participation at EGU22

3 June 2022

Two presentations from URBAG members have been shared in the latest EGU's annual General Assembly EGU22, hosted in Vienna, Austria. Thanks to the hybrid format, over 14,000 attendees from 116 countries have shared each work throughout the week-long conference from 23-27 May 2022.

Bojos per la ciència

8 April 2022

URBAG ha participat de nou aquest any en el programa Bojos per la Ciència de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. On conjuntament amb el Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental de la UAB imparteixen el programa Bojos per la Terra.

Gara Villalba és entrevistada per la XEAB

17 March 2022

Hem de començar, perquè ja fem tard, a aplicar adaptacions que millorin l'eficiència en la distribució d'aigua. Aquest és el títol de l'entrevista realitzada per Gara Villalba des de la Xarxa d'Equipaments Ambientals de Barcelona (XEAB) i publicada a La Fàbrica del Sol.

URBAG participation at COP26

16 February 2022

Dr. Gara Villalba participated at COP26 through the session "How we can make cities both healthier and carbon neutral". This session talked about the current problems, discussed solutions and demonstrated how climate action, urban and transport planning and health go hand in hand to create carbon neutral, healthy and liveable cities.

Publication in Science of The Total Environment

31 January 2022

Title: Mapping direct N2O emissions from peri-urban agriculture: The case of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona / Geographically explicit datasets reflecting local management of crops are needed to help improve direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emission inventories. Yet, the lack of geographically explicit datasets of relevant factors influencing the emissions make it difficult to estimate them in such way.

Vols treballar amb nosaltres?

25 January 2022

El perfil de les places s'ha de correspondre amb investigadors/es o tècnics (no personal de gestió o administració) en atur, inscrites i demandants d'ocupació, de setze anys o més i que no hagin complert trenta anys en el moment de començar la relació contractual. Clica la imatge per més informació.

Publication in Resources, Conservation & Recycling

25 January 2022

Title: Extended use and optimization of struvite in hydroponic cultivation systems / Hydroponic systems are an attractive form of urban agriculture due to their low weight load, inert substrate conditions, and overall better control of plant nutrition and growth. However, gaining urban food sovereignty cannot be at the cost of increasing environmental impacts.

URBAG is searching for a PhD student

11 November 2021

The doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships Programme (La Caixa) aims to attract talented Early-Stage Researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in the best Spanish and Portuguese research centres. The URBAG group offers a PhD position described here. Sponsored by "La Caixa" Foundation, it is aimed at supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal

Publication in the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

28 October 2021

Title: Environmental and social life cycle assessment of growing media for urban rooftop farming / New environmental strategies are emerging for cities to become more self-sufficient, such as hydroponic crop production. The implementation of such systems requires materials that usually originate in countries with low labour costs and other legal regulations. To what extent could these strategies be shifting problems across the globe?

Alba Badia participa a “El cafè de la ràdio” de Ràdio Sabadell

29 September 2021

La dra Alba Badia va participar a l'entrevista de Mireia Sans a "El cafè de la ràdio" de Ràdio Sabadell presentant els resultats de l'article "A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking". En aquesta entrevista, Alba Badia explica la importància del confinament viscut per la pandèmia de COVID-19 en els valors de contaminació atmosfèrica.

Publication in Urban Climate

16 September 2021

Title: Sensitivity study of PBL schemes and soil initialization using the WRF-BEP-BEM model over a Mediterranean coastal city / Due to increased urbanization and global warming, cities are experiencing more heat wave (HW) events that cause extreme heat stress. To mitigate such effects, a better understanding of the impact of urban morphology on the boundary layer development is needed.

URBAG is searching for a postdoctoral candidate

6 September 2021

The URBAG group is searching for a postdoctoral candidate for the María Zambrano grants aimed to attract international talent to the ICTA-UAB. Three lines of research: 1. Urban GHG monitoring and observations, 2.Urban climate and urban atmospheric modeling, air quality and GHG modeling, and 3. Regionalizing life cycle assessment and environmental evaluation