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The future of urban agriculture from a social and metabolic perspective

23 March 2023

On the 17th of March 2023, URBAG conducted a workshop session in the second Edible City Network Conference held in Barcelona. The session was focused in presenting a comprehensive vision of the current urban agriculture challenges and opportunities, by considering both social and environmental  perspectives, while employing the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona as case study.

Bojos per la ciència 2023

2 March 2023

URBAG ha participat per tercer any consecutiu en el programa Bojos per la Ciència de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. On conjuntament amb el Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental de la UAB imparteixen el programa Bojos per la Terra.

Gara Villalba participa en les jornades de ciència i emprenedoria en femení

12 December 2022

Gara Villalba (cap del projecte URBAG) va participar a la xerrada sobre ciència i innovació, acompanyada per Miranda Jessica Lubbers (antropòloga social i cultural), Fàtima Bosch (directora del CBATEG UAB) i Júlia Vergara-Alert (investigadora principal del grup de coronavirus zoonòtics de l'IRTA CReSA), moderada per Margarita Arboix (exrectora de la UAB).

Gara Villalba gives a talk on the GHG monitoring network

5 December 2022

Gara Villalba gave a short talk on the GHG monitoring network that she and her team are setting up in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. This presentation was part of the ICOS ERIC 17th General Assembly Info Day, which took place in Madrid the days 22nd and 23rd of November 2022 in a session hosted by the Minisitry of Science of Spain Maria Vallejo.

New publication in “Science of The Total Environment”

7 November 2022

Title: Displaying geographic variability of peri-urban agriculture environmental impacts in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona: A regionalized life cycle assessment / Peri urban agriculture (peri-UA) can supply food locally and potentially more sustainably than far-away conventional agricultural systems. It can also introduce significant environmental impacts depending on the local biophysical conditions and resources required to implement it.

Workshop: Agricultural Perspectives in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

31 October 2022

We kindly invite you to participate in the workshop entitled ‘Agricultural Perspectives in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona’, organized by URBAG and sponsored by the Maria de Maeztu programme of excellence at ICTA-UAB.  The workshop will take place at ICTA-UAB on Friday, 25th of NOVEMBER 2022, from 9:30 to 14h. 

Angelica Mendoza finishes her MSCA scholarship PROTEAN

28 October 2022

Angelica Mendoza finishes her MSCA scholarship PROspecTive Environmental AssessmeNt of Urban Agriculture-Emerging Systems (PROTEAN), which she carried out within the project URBAG. The aim was to develop prospective life cycle databases to calculate future life cycle impacts of food production to enable the comparison of food production via conventional agriculture and via urban agriculture, all in a future context.

Gara Villalba dóna una xerrada al Cicle de seminaris tècnics sobre accions locals d’adaptació al canvi climàtic

20 October 2022

El passat 6 d'octubre de 2022 la dra Gara Villalba va donar una xerrada durant la jornada "Cobertes verdes i productives com a estratègia per a l'adaptació al canvi climàtic" dins del  Cicle de seminaris tècnics sobre accions locals d'adaptació al canvi climàtic organitzada per la Xarxa de Ciutats i Pobles cap a la Sostenibilitat, la Diputació de Barcelona i l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona.

Master’s research project offers at ICTA-UAB

17 October 2022

The atmospheric modeling research group at URBAG is offering two Master's theses for the January-September 2023 period. This offer will give you the opportunity to start working in the scientific field with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. Case study: Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and Greater Oslo Region