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New publication in “Atmospheric, Chemistry and Physics”

2 October 2023

Title: Modelling the impacts of emission changes on O3 sensitivity, atmospheric oxidation capacity, and pollution transport over the Catalonia region / Tropospheric ozone (O3) is an important surface pollutant in urban areas, and it has complex formation mechanisms that depend on the atmospheric chemistry and on meteorological factors. The severe reductions observed in anthropogenic emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic can further our understanding of the photochemical mechanisms leading to O3 formation.

Publicació d’Alba Badia a la revista Investigación y Ciencia

29 April 2022

La revista Investigación y Ciencia ha publicat l'article "Los beneficios ambientales del teletrabajo", de la ma d'Alba Badia.  L'article presenta els resultats del treball publicat a la revista Urban Sustainability, que analitza les concentracions de NO2 durant el període de confinament provocat per la Covid-19 i proposa possibles escenaris futurs.

Alba Badia participa al Congrés de Qualitat de l’aire a Sabadell

3 November 2021

L'Alba Badia va participar en una taula rodona de Bioindicadors com avaluació de la qualitat de l’aire al 2n Congrés de Qualitat de l'aire que es va fer a Sabadell.  Badia va explicar els impactes directes, com la dispersió atmosfèrica, emissions biogèniques i deposició, i indirectes, com canvis en la temperatura i l'altura de la capa límit, de les infrastructures verdes sobre la qualitat de l'aire.

Alba Badia participa a “El cafè de la ràdio” de Ràdio Sabadell

29 September 2021

La dra Alba Badia va participar a l'entrevista de Mireia Sans a "El cafè de la ràdio" de Ràdio Sabadell presentant els resultats de l'article "A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking". En aquesta entrevista, Alba Badia explica la importància del confinament viscut per la pandèmia de COVID-19 en els valors de contaminació atmosfèrica.

Participation at the EGU General Assembly 2021

7 June 2021

The URBAG members worked on three presentations during the EGU 2021 conference, where 18 155 scientists from 136 different countries have met. With approximately 13 000 users per day, the conference has been considered a resounding success. The sessions have been conditioned by the global Covid-19 pandemic, forcing it to be carried out in virtual format.

Publication in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

15 March 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic unveiled the fragility of food sovereignty in cities and confirmed the close connection urban dwellers have with food. Although the pandemic was not responsible for a systemic failure, it suggested how citizens would accept and indeed support a transition toward more localized food production systems.

Publication in Landscape and Urban Planning

3 March 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic newly brings food resilience in cities to our attention and the need to question the desired degree of food self-sufficiency through urban agriculture. We argue in this essay that this development has widely taken place due to three blind spots in urban planning.

Participation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020

11 December 2020

A lot of good science is being presented at AGU Fall Meetting 2020. Some of the presentations are focused in the COVID-19 pandemic. The URBAG group presented a poster presentation that wants to reflect upon lessons learned from the COVID-19 mitigation measures in terms of reduced mobility and its effect on urban air pollution.