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New publication in “Science of The Total Environment”

12 September 2024

Title: The food-water-climate nexus of green infrastructure: Examining ecosystem services trade-offs of peri-urban agriculture/ Emission reduction, heat mitigation, and improved access to water and food provision are increasingly critical challenges for urban areas in the context of global climate change adaptation and mitigation. The revival of local agricultural production is often lauded as a potential nature-based solution.

New publication in “Urban Forestry & Urban Greening”

16 July 2024

Title: Exploring how the heterogeneous urban landscape influences CO2 concentrations: The case study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona/ To understand the role these factors play in the distribution of CO2 over an urban area, we conducted a CO2 measurement campaign over the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) over four urban land uses: impervious, green, forest, and agricultural.

New publication in “Heliyon”

27 December 2023

Title: Measuring BVOC emissions released by tomato plants grown in a soilless integrated rooftop greenhouse / Urban design is currently promoting the inclusion of plants in buildings. However, plants emit biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which alone or in combination with other airborne molecules such as CO2, may result in a general increase in tropospheric pollution.

New publication in “JGR Atmospheres”

22 December 2023

Title: Exploring the Influence of Land Use on the Urban Carbonyl Sulfide Budget: A Case Study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona / Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) is used to quantify the carbon capture potential of the biosphere because of its direct correlation with CO2 uptake during photosynthesis. However, to constrain the urban biosphere signal, it is necessary to evaluate potential anthropogenic sources.

URBAG participation at AGU23

21 December 2023

As every year, the AGU Annual Meeting has taken place, bringing together more than 25,000 participants from over 100 countries. Scientists, policymakers, communicators... Everyone is welcome to share science and try to better understand our planet and environment. This year, thanks to the hybrid model that capitalizes on both personal and virtual participation, Gara Villalba presented her work.

Aprovació del Pla Director Urbanístic Metropolità

3 May 2023

El Consell Metropolità ha aprovat, en sessió extraordinària de data 21 de març de 2023,  els documents del Pla Director Urbanístic Metropolità (PDUM) publicats al BOPB. Aquest nou instrument substitueix l'antic Pla General Metropolità (PGM) aprovat el 1976. La nova normativa potencia molt l’estructura verda, així com altres mesures no vinculades amb el verd. Aquí es on el grup URBAG ha aportat els seus estudis.

Bojos per la ciència 2023

2 March 2023

URBAG ha participat per tercer any consecutiu en el programa Bojos per la Ciència de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. On conjuntament amb el Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental de la UAB imparteixen el programa Bojos per la Terra.

Bojos per la ciència

8 April 2022

URBAG ha participat de nou aquest any en el programa Bojos per la Ciència de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. On conjuntament amb el Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental de la UAB imparteixen el programa Bojos per la Terra.

Tallers a les escoles. Mesurem el CO2!

3 February 2022

Des de l'Institut de Ciències i Tecnologies Ambientals de la UAB (ICTA-UAB) estem realitzant tallers pedagògics en els quals l'alumnat de primària aprendrà més sobre el CO2 i els seus efectes al planeta Terra. L'alumnat es convertirà en explorador per millorar el món, ja que el CO2 és responsable de l'escalfament de la Terra i les ciutats en produeixen molt.

Open data: GHG measurement station at ICTA-UAB

9 September 2021

URBAG is using a Picarro G2301 station that measures CO2, CH4 and H20 from the ceiling of the ICTA-UAB. Located at a height of 147m above sea level, the station takes measurements every 10 seconds based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy technique. This data is open to everyone by clicking on the image below, where you will also find more technical specifications.

Publication in JGR Atmospheres

2 July 2021

Title: Exploring the Potential of Using Carbonyl Sulfide to Track the Urban Biosphere Signal / Cities are implementing additional urban green as a means to capture CO2 and become more carbon neutral. However, cities are complex systems where anthropogenic and natural components of the CO2 budget interact with each other, and the ability to measure the efficacy of such measures is still not properly addressed.