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Participation at the ISIE conference

5 September 2023

On July 2023, URBAG participated at the International Conference of Industrial Ecology (ISIE) with two presentations. Juan David Arosemena presented his research which aims to determine the capacity and environmental impacts of supplying macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from composting organic municipal solid waste. Gara Villalba presented the A decision approach to evaluate the design and implementation of green infrastructures in urban environments.

New publication in “Climate Dynamics”

26 May 2023

Title: Analysis of synoptic weather patterns of heatwave events / Heatwaves (HWs) are expected to increase both in duration and intensity in the next decades, but little is known about their synoptic and mesoscalar behavior, which is especially important in mid-latitude regions. We propose that a combination of temperature and synoptic patterns is a better way to define and understand HWs because including atmospheric circulation patterns provides information about different HW structures that can irregularly affect the territory.

New publication in “Sustainable Cities and Society”

8 May 2023

Title: The potential of local food, energy, and water production systems on urban rooftops considering consumption patterns and urban morphology / The external resource dependency of urban areas results in the externalization of environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Implementing food, energy and water production systems on urban rooftops (roof mosaics) can potentially help cities become more self-sufficient but depends on the city's urban morphology.

Aprovació del Pla Director Urbanístic Metropolità

3 May 2023

El Consell Metropolità ha aprovat, en sessió extraordinària de data 21 de març de 2023,  els documents del Pla Director Urbanístic Metropolità (PDUM) publicats al BOPB. Aquest nou instrument substitueix l'antic Pla General Metropolità (PGM) aprovat el 1976. La nova normativa potencia molt l’estructura verda, així com altres mesures no vinculades amb el verd. Aquí es on el grup URBAG ha aportat els seus estudis.

Gara Villalba participa com a ponent a la Jornada de Balanç de la Declaració d’Emergència Climàtica

13 April 2023

La Gara Villalba va participar com a ponent el passat 28 de març de 2023 a la Jornada de Balanç de la Declaració d'Emergència Climàtica. El 15 de gener de 2020 Barcelona va declarar l'emergència climàtica. En aquesta declaració es van fixar diverses accions per aplicar abans de 2030. El balanç presenta un 30% de les accions plantejades com a ja finalitzades, mentre que un 66% estan en execució i el 4% restant encara no s'han iniciat.

The future of urban agriculture from a social and metabolic perspective

23 March 2023

On the 17th of March 2023, URBAG conducted a workshop session in the second Edible City Network Conference held in Barcelona. The session was focused in presenting a comprehensive vision of the current urban agriculture challenges and opportunities, by considering both social and environmental  perspectives, while employing the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona as case study.

Programa Magnet: aliança amb l’escola La Pau

21 March 2023

L'ICTA-UAB i l'Escola La Pau han arribat a una aliança per desenvolupar un projecte educatiu de referència en el marc del programa Magnet. La col·laboració busca fomentar l'esperit crític i la visió científica  a través de dos projectes transversals: l'hort laboratorii la mobilitat sostenible.

New preprint accessible at EGUsphere

13 March 2023

Tropospheric ozone (O3) is an important surface pollutant in urban areas, and it has complex formation mechanisms that depend on the atmospheric chemistry and meteorological factors. The severe reductions observed in anthropogenic emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic can further our understanding of the photochemical mechanisms leading to O3 formation and provide guidance for policies aimed at reducing air pollution.

Bojos per la ciència 2023

2 March 2023

URBAG ha participat per tercer any consecutiu en el programa Bojos per la Ciència de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. On conjuntament amb el Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental de la UAB imparteixen el programa Bojos per la Terra.

Gara Villalba gives a talk on the GHG monitoring network

5 December 2022

Gara Villalba gave a short talk on the GHG monitoring network that she and her team are setting up in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. This presentation was part of the ICOS ERIC 17th General Assembly Info Day, which took place in Madrid the days 22nd and 23rd of November 2022 in a session hosted by the Minisitry of Science of Spain Maria Vallejo.