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Alba Badia participa al Congrés de Qualitat de l’aire a Sabadell

3 November 2021

L'Alba Badia va participar en una taula rodona de Bioindicadors com avaluació de la qualitat de l’aire al 2n Congrés de Qualitat de l'aire que es va fer a Sabadell.  Badia va explicar els impactes directes, com la dispersió atmosfèrica, emissions biogèniques i deposició, i indirectes, com canvis en la temperatura i l'altura de la capa límit, de les infrastructures verdes sobre la qualitat de l'aire.

Alba Badia participa a “El cafè de la ràdio” de Ràdio Sabadell

29 September 2021

La dra Alba Badia va participar a l'entrevista de Mireia Sans a "El cafè de la ràdio" de Ràdio Sabadell presentant els resultats de l'article "A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking". En aquesta entrevista, Alba Badia explica la importància del confinament viscut per la pandèmia de COVID-19 en els valors de contaminació atmosfèrica.

Open data: GHG measurement station at ICTA-UAB

9 September 2021

URBAG is using a Picarro G2301 station that measures CO2, CH4 and H20 from the ceiling of the ICTA-UAB. Located at a height of 147m above sea level, the station takes measurements every 10 seconds based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy technique. This data is open to everyone by clicking on the image below, where you will also find more technical specifications.

Participation at the EGU General Assembly 2021

7 June 2021

The URBAG members worked on three presentations during the EGU 2021 conference, where 18 155 scientists from 136 different countries have met. With approximately 13 000 users per day, the conference has been considered a resounding success. The sessions have been conditioned by the global Covid-19 pandemic, forcing it to be carried out in virtual format.

Publication in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

4 February 2021

Trends of extreme-temperature episodes in cities are increasing (in frequency, magnitude and duration) due to regional climate change in interaction with urban effects. Urban morphologies and thermal properties of the materials used to build them are factors that influence.

Participation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020

11 December 2020

A lot of good science is being presented at AGU Fall Meetting 2020. Some of the presentations are focused in the COVID-19 pandemic. The URBAG group presented a poster presentation that wants to reflect upon lessons learned from the COVID-19 mitigation measures in terms of reduced mobility and its effect on urban air pollution.